Sunday, August 1, 2010

Photo Shoot

Brittney had her first photo shoot this past Tuesday, and it went great! Well... it went as great as anything does with a hungry newborn who hates having her outfits changed 12 times... She slept through the first few shoots and we wanted her to wake up, but when she finally woke up she fussed and made goofy faces for the camera. Figures... We got a good laugh, though! The photographer, Christy Nolin, was incredibly patient with us as we stopped to feed Brittney and change a few diapers. We had a wonderful time! For a preview of the shoot, visit

In other news, school starts later this week, and even though I'll be on maternity leave, I am so not ready! I'll be teaching 8th grade math this year, which will be a challenge. I thrive on challenge, so I really think I'll do well. Planning for a new age and subject while taking care of a newborn has mentally taxing, so maybe getting into some sort of groove with school will be a good thing.


  1. 1. Love Brittney's new pictures! Christy did a wonderful job!!
    2. I'm going to miss you this year!!
    3. You're going to be a great 8th grade teacher! :)


  2. Brittney's pictures are so sweet. Doesn't she just make your heart smile. I know the struggles of being a mom. I wish you and Andy a great school year.

  3. Brittney is sooooooooo beautiful, Lisa! I'm sorry I have only just now caught up on everything - I am so thankful that she will be alright and has such loving family and friends to get her through her trials! I'm happy for you and Andy!!

    - Laura Greer (A.K.A. Boo)

  4. Just want to hug her and kiss her and look at her for hours. They don't get any cuter than her! Hugs from her JoJo and PopPop.

  5. Andy and Lisa , She is so Beautiful :) I want to come hold her as soon as things calm down, I am sure you have had lots of visitors and I don't do share very well... You too are so blessed and will be the most wonderful parents...I wish POP could be here to see her, I wonder what nickname he would have given her. But he is watching us all from the best seat in the house (Heaven) ! I Love you all and enjoy your perfect little Blessing ! Love, Aunt Beth

  6. P.S. I better get one of these photos ! Aunt Beth
